Elastic IPs from EC2-Classic to EC2-VPC

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Amazon AWS

There are some amazon instances that can be launched only in an EC2-VPC. If you want to attach one of your new EC2-VPC instances to an elastic IP that has already been attached to an EC2-classic instance, you will have to move the Elastic IP from EC2-Classic to EC2-VPC.

Amazon AWS, VPC logo

Instance Types Available Only in a VPC

There are some instances that are only available in a VPC

  • C4
  • M4
  • T2

List of instances

Available Instances in a VPC

Elastic IPs are different for EC2-Classic and EC2-VPC

You can’t associate directly an Elastic IP address that you allocated for use with a VPC with an instance in EC2-Classic, and vice-versa.

More info…

Moving elastic IPs from EC2-Classic to EC2-VPC

  • Only in the same region
  • You can’t migrate an Elastic IP initially reserved for EC2-VPC
  • The Elastic IP must be detached from any instance
  • This migration has to be carried out from the CLI

move-address-to-vpc command


aws ec2 move-address-to-vpc --public-ip

  "Status": "MoveInProgress"

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